Saturday, March 8, 2008

The NORO Origami Shrug


Ok, I have been getting quite a few requests for the Noro Origami Shrug that appears on Skein Cocaine blog site. This is really not a pattern. It is a sketch I did for Gina when I tried to explain to her about this thing.
First of all, it is very simple, it folds into a rectangle(great for travel) and is super easy to make. Most days you will find me folding origami stuff and I love Noro. I play around with ideas of what to do with this yarn and how to take advantage of the unique properties hidden within the fiber. I love the tweedishness (ala American Idol) of the color.
At the moment,I am making one in Silk Garden, and am trying some of the "Jared" color work that he did in his Noro scarf; which, by the way, seems to have taken on a huge life of it's own and good for Jared. I am taking one of his classes at Purl Jam in June and I c a n n o t wait. But, back to the Noro Shrug:
I have tried making it 60 inches long instead of 64 and it fits nicely.
This shrug is an experiment. Please feel free to try different things. That is all this is. Please share your results so we can all see what happens.


Vouray said...

I can't wait to meet Jared, too!

Anonymous said...

Great but hard to create something like this. I like origami but i know my knowleges :)!